- I'm worried about the ivf, how the wednesday is gonna turn out
- how the transfer is gonna turn out, what if it is all negative. am i gonna be devastated?
- I'm worried about the fucking disgusting porta-potty right outside our door. It's disgusting and smelly and the thought of having to live with it for four more weeks is disgusting. in the middle of the summer when we have to sniff in the fucking cooked shit.
- I'm worried about the move, all that needs to be packed and settled while I will not be able to move at all.
- I'm worried about settling over there. It's not possible for me to be Lalala
- I'm worried about work, do they expect me to finish all the molecules by the end of july? That's not possible.
- I'm worried about the packing. who's going to pack everything for me and set the bathrooms.
- the fucking prota potty I'm afraid it's gonna get worst. Are they going to clean this shit or is it gonna get worst. it was disgusting this evening.
is dave really able to handle everything? Is it going to be possible for him to get things done the way I want them done?